Welcome to the first Kathryn Leigh Thurgaland Foundation Newsletter. I’m Elizabeth, Kathryn’s big “seastar”, and the eldest Thurgaland sibling. While reading, I invite you to listen to “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. “Well, I’ve been afraid of changing ‘Cause I’ve built my life around you But time makes you bolder even children get older And I’m getting older too” We want to provide this newsletter platform as a resource to you, to provide regular updates, announcements, and information. It’s our hope that you truly gain some value, insight, and inspiration from this letter. If you have any thoughts you’d like to share with us along the way, please send us a message at contact@kltfountation.com It’s been 5 months since we’ve established the foundation,1 month since we announced it to our friends and family, and 3 weeks since our social media debut and we want to thank you for your contribution, help along the way, and continued support. The Foundation has received just over $21,000 in contributions already!!! It’s amazing to us, what a strong supportive community we have surrounding us. Being a foundation is fitting, as it is built to provide the structure’s stability from the ground, distributing the weight over a larger area. The weight of life and death in the world can be heavy, but with deliberate reinforcement and support, we can hold each other up. Scholarship Sponsee Update Our sponsee Matia (Mia) Prescott has begun her first semester at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. She is staying in a small dorm with a nice roommate she is getting to know. She is taking classes including acting foundations, tap & jazz dance, ballet, musical theater technique, voice and speech production, music theater composition, and history and musicianship. A very full schedule, but she says it’s incredibly rewarding so far. Signs, Symbols, and Songs
Yellow Flowers: Being close with Kathryn for the past few years or so, you may have experienced having to wait on her as she stopped abruptly for a quick pic of a yellow flower, wherever you were. She may have shared with you, that she was on a “Yellow Flower Chase”. I’m not sure why, and I don’t think she knew either- not that it mattered, she never needed a reason for doing what she wanted - but she was on that mission for years collecting pictures of yellow flowers. So, naturally… they’re a symbol, a sign of her, maybe even Kayleigh herself in that yellow flower if I whisper sweet lovings to it as I walk by or say out loud, “Hi Kayleigh!”. And I know I’m not the only one, I’ve seen others do it too and it makes my heart smile. The color Yellow and Butterflies: They were Kathryn’s most recent favorite color and favorite animal. I’ve never seen so many butterflies in my life than the past year and especially in the months immediately following the car crash! In the beginning and even still, there are so many signs and symbols, and your mind processes so much so quickly, or not at all, or maybe it pops up later out the blue. Sometimes profound meaning slaps you in the face and takes your breath away, and sometimes it just makes you smile to know that she’s letting you know she’s near, or other times you could end up in a puddle of tears on the floor. Yellow - Is the most luminous of all colors, the color of happiness, optimism, enlightenment, creativity, sunshine, and spring. Kayleigh was born in the spring. May 12th, 2002. On Mother’s Day. What is your favorite color? Learn more about some meanings of color here Butterflies - flutter by, catching your eye, living such sweet and beautiful yet short lives. A symbol of transformation and change. I love this couple’s blog post about butterfly angels, and their website provides tips on attracting and identifying butterflies in your garden too! <3 If you need another song to listen to, flip on “Changes” by David Bowie. “Turn and face the strange Ch-Ch-Changes Oh, look out you rock n’ rollers Time may change me But I can’t trace time” These are two of the first songs that we’ve saved to a couple of playlists we’ve named “Kayleigh’s songs” You can follow them on Apple Music or Spotify. These songs make us think of Kayleigh. We’ll hear a song from her phone or videos, watching her sing to herself in the camera and figure out the song she was listening to and add it to the list. Or just add any song that reminds us of her, or reminds us of times together. Kayleigh's College Entry Essay
I’ve attached a copy of Kathryn’s college entry essay. I just think that is it so reflective of her as a person. Spunky, and rational debater. The last sentence holds a different meaning now than the first time I read it; “Art in any form is forever changing and I along with it.” Kayleigh changed, transformed, energy with no form, or any form she wants, anywhere she wants, all at once. Our identities had changed. Our lives forever changed. Our perceptions and sensations all changed. Finding new hobbies, old hobbies, diving into work or school or play, the many ways of healing. More Symbols: Sunflowers - Associated with the sun and its energy, standing tall, proud and confident, and carrying magical associations of happiness, success, and health. Thank you to Chris Knight for decorating the KLT Kick-Off Party with those beautiful sunflowers! Kayleigh also had different flower identification apps on her phone to learn about flowers, plants, or bugs she came across and their magical powers or messages. I’ve reached the highest level on this National Geographic Identification App called “Seek” I highly recommend that you download it. My brother-in-law, Zach, says it’s like my own version of Pokemon GO. Chrysanthemum - which is the flower of the KLT Logo, is also November’s birth flower and the yellow chrysanthemum symbolizes friendship, happiness, and wellbeing. It also reminds me of one of our favorite children’s books “Chrysanthemum” by Kevin Henkes. More Signs: Keep Singing, Keep Dancing, Keep Smiling, Keep Laughing,

These T-shirts were given to us by Coach Jacqui, VHS swim coach and it was such a sweet gesture and sign from heaven. Kayleigh had a journal entry with a similar adage and the tag of the shirt said “Leigh”. It’s the little things. You can find the shirt on amazon. Book recommendations for you: An author that we’ve gotten into a bit this past year is Laura Lynn Jackson and her two books, “The Light Between Us” and “Signs”. I don’t think any of us on the board have finished either book yet (except my mom), but I know I’ve read a little bit of both. You can download them on Audible. Steve and I listened to her interview on The Goop Podcast and some Youtube videos too. And I like it for the most part. I get the message and I’m picking up what she’s putting down. I did start seeing a grief counselor for some time this past year and she sent me this book, The Grief Recovery Handbook, which I highly recommend. I like that it gives you an action program and really breaks down the concept of grief and how it's quite a neglected and misunderstood process. Let’s wrap this up by listening to “Crystal” by Stevie Nicks. “Do you always trust your first initial feeling Special knowledge holds true bears believing” Kayleigh said this was her favorite song on Jan. 7th, 2019. It’s also in the soundtrack of my favorite movie ever, Practical Magic, which is a 90’s movie with Sandra Bullock and Nichole Kidman as witchy sisters. Also my fav soundtrack ever too. Its a Great Fall Movie AND has the BEST KISS SCENE EVER. You should snuggle up with your loves and watch it ASAP. When we get together as a family this Thanksgiving, mom said we’re going to watch it together which has me pumped :-) This season of change is being filled with thanks and giving every single day. Stay up-to-date on our social media platforms and share the newsletter with others. Share signs and symbols that have come up in your life on our Facebook page or tag us in your posts on Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. (#KLTFoundation) Love you, Elizabeth BONUS -
Learn a quick song on the guitar - "Horse with No Name". The first song I ever learned to play and sing at the same time. Click on the picture to watch Kayleigh play the song with Dad on Vocals.
Just 2 chords - Em and D; (Em) down down up down up down up down ( D ) up up up*REPEAT
Kayleigh- if I leave today - Kayleigh wrote this song.